Valeria Parker is an inspiring Christian woman that is passionate about life and what it has to offer. She is a native of Atlanta, Georgia currently residing and actively serving in ministry in Orlando, FL under the leadership of Dr. Sonya M. Mixon. Valeria’s mission is to inspire and motivate single Christian women/single Christian parents to push to their highest potential in life.
If you are at a place where you need help balancing any part of your life, dating as a single Christian woman in today’s society, or just need to talk to someone about raising kids as a single parent; we encourage you to ask questions to get advice or tips on how to conquer what you’re dealing with.
To ask for tips or advice if your a single christian.
Balancing a work and church life by Ms. Vee:
As a young Christian adult, I set career goals for myself. Go to school and get a good education, get hired at a great company, and focus on moving up in the world. I was on the right path and things were looking pretty good for me as a rising star.
I landed a great job and my focus was to work as much as I could. There is a time and season for everything (Ecclesiastes 3:11). I met a man that I fell in love with, who later became my husband. We had two children. Starting a family (or taking on major changes in life) brings about many new challenges. As time progressed, being active in church, a wife, a mother, and trying to focus on my career was suddenly becoming a little overwhelming for me. Life was getting harder and harder. By the time I figured out how to get a grip on things, I was undergoing a divorce. I began to look at life and working in a totally different way. I had become a single parent, raising two kids by myself. I realized I had to work harder than I anticipated.
Needless to say, I came to the conclusion to take things one step at a time. There need to be a balance in life with everything that we do. Anything removing God‘s rightful place in the life we live can easily become an idol. That includes our jobs, spouse, and children. Yes, we have to work, but not to the point where we exclude God and our life of church out of the picture. I encourage you to work hard, but don’t hold onto it so tightly. At the end of the day, we must realize that work is what it is, it’s just work. God is God of everything.
Recognize that it is God’s desire that we have a balance life. He (God) is there to be a balance between our jobs, family, and our worship of Him. As we continue to read God’s word, we see that we are to work, spend time with our family, take care of our bodies, and get the rest we need.
Spend time with your family. You may need to rearrange your work schedule, request time off to take a much needed vacation. Pick a day out of the week and make it a family night to play games together, or turn off the electronics and just have a family conversation. Get involve with your kid’s games and activities. Make the time to spend with your family. It’s a matter of balancing our time.
Have a hobby outside of work. It’s good that you enjoy your job and the work that you do, but try to find something else that you would enjoy outside of work. That will allow you time for yourself outside of everything else.
Last but foremost, put God first in everything that you do. Matthew 6:33 reads, “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you”. As Christians, we need to spend time with God and meditate on his Word daily.
I’ve applied these principles to my life as a whole. What I thought was hard and unattainable with my walk with God, career, and family, was actually not hard at all. I had to take a step back to put things in perspective so I could live a balanced life. When we put God first, everything else will fall into place.
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